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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Welcome 2 MLM Marketing Tips!

All to many people who join into the network marketing industry for a lifestyle of freedom not

only financially and for time freedom fail to achieve this! If only they knew one key ingredient

most of these people would be able to achieve this!! Now the reason all of these people cannot

seem to achieve the freedom they desire is because they are not automatically generating leads!

The reason that they are not automatically generating leads is because of the marketing methods

that they are being taught and using. If you think about it most companies teach out of date in


Do you want to know the number one reason why 97% of people fail in this industry? Well get ready

for it, because it is so simple that you may kick yourself, so get some pain killers because here

it comes! The main reason why people fail in this industry is they are not effectively generating

leads! Yes is comes down to that but if you think about it makes perfect sense! As leads are the

first part of the sales process so if you are not effectively generating leads then you simply do

not have a business! Because you have nobody to convert into potential sales and more.

I really feel sorry for network marketers. And that isn't just an article title. I'm being

honest...I really do feel a bit sad when I think about who network marketers truly are. Truth

is...You probably bought HOPE instead of buying a BUSINESS when you started out in network

marketing. But you may have never heard it put this way so let me explain. I was at a weekly

training night for my opportunity the other night when I noticed something I never really did

before. It's something that plagues most network marketers whether you want to pay attention to

it or not.

Points of Failure in Network Marketing MLM... 1./ Selecting the Wrong MLM Do some research on

Network Marketing Company you are going to join. You may find mixed reactions of people involved

in this business. Read all reviews, discuss with your sponsors and other expert in this business.

The decision to join this business should be entirely yours. Get into MLM companies that you have

total confidence in. There is nothing quite as frustrating as trying to promote a product or a

company that you don't really believe in. Stick with the winners that has years of success behind


MLM,Marketing,Internet Marketing
As promised this Blog Post is entirely set up so you can have a better understanding about how to

generate leads of your own FOR FREE!!! I'm going to highlight three areas of interest: Articles,

Videos and Blogs. These three areas should give you a foundation to have you up and rolling with

your lead generation. However, since these three topics alone also have so much information

involved I'm going to turn this into a 3 Part Mini-Series, one post for each topic (Articles,

Videos and Blogs.) Please understand this information WILL allow you to immediately begin to get

your information out to the world!

Let's go over some ground rules here. When writing articles, your objective is to position

yourself in the market place as an authority in your particular Niche. This is not an opportunity

for you to sell anything. Nobody likes to be sold but everyone likes to buy. Let your prospect

CHOOSE you by giving them enough content so they are attracted to you as someone who can help

them. So, what do you do first?

Keyword Research: My personal favorite tool for Keyword Research is Google's keyword tool

https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal This is a free service and honestly one of

the best. You've got to understand that when you're putting content on the web it MUST be

relevant content and not a blatant sales pitch. Using this tool, you are using Google's own

recommendations of appropriate associated keywords. Never guess with keywords and just choose

something you like, this is a surefire way to never get ranked naturally on any search engine.

Your goal is to have your content on the FIRST PAGE of your chosen search engine. Considering

this day and age, that search engine ought to be Google.

So let's use an example. If you're in the Skin Care industry and you're really wanting to promote

a new hand cream don't write an article about that particular product. What you want to do is

write Articles based on the benefits of that product. So give this some thought. Maybe you write

an article about psoriasis, flaky skin, cracking skin, etc. (I am not an expert on this so bear

with me.) After you've decided on a topic now you should think of a "long tailed keyword." This

simply means instead of using psoriasis you write about "daily recommendations for psoriasis

treatment." This will position you in a much smaller niche market where you will be one of the

only individuals positioning yourself as an authority. What would you rather do, fish where

everyone is fishing or fish where there is no competition?

Once you've decided on your keyword phrase it's time to write the actual article. Articles should

be between 300-500 words and your keyword phrase should be used 3-4 times. This gives the search

engines something relevant to search for. Don't concern yourself too much with proper grammar and

punctuation. You should write like an adult and not some kid, remember you're trying to position

yourself as an expert.

So start doing your homework and get your content out there. Remember, the more content the

better. I've said this a bunch, but you are positioning yourself as the expert to go to for this

particular niche. Write an article EVERYDAY for a couple months and you'll begin to see some

noticeable gains in your leads. Don't get paralysis of analysis. Find your Niche, get your

Keywords, write your articles and get it out!! The following are some great sites to publish your

articles and they are all free. Go get 'em!

MLM Network Marketing- Special Article Writing Opportunity

Are you not having success when you are trying to promote your MLM networking site? But it is not

your fault as it happens with most of the business man as they do not know how to carry out an

online business. To teach them about that network marketing is one which is helping them with the

correct way of promoting their business offline. Although offline business is also important but

as the time is moving ahead with all new technologies you must know how to be successful in

online business too.

What is the best way which can create good traffic on your website? This is the article writing

which provides good amount of visitors to visit your website and helps generating in good

traffic. Article writing takes only few minutes and after that it should be submitted to the

article directory. And if your article is good enough to attract others then they will continue

with the website and if they do not have to then they will continue with the internet.

If you ask me my personal view on article writing then it is because I feel my writings are able

to gather much traffic on my website. I find people who read my articles thoroughly are very much

interested and keep on continuing with my articles and they become interested in what I have to

offer. So, this is the best option if you know how to target the audience so that they always

keep on visiting the website.

If you are successful article writer then you are also successful in internet marketing. All you

have to do is just start writing articles and try to do that for at least one client and soon you

will realize that this is making you help with the good amount of website visitors who are

interested in products which you have to offer.

The millionaire mind doesn’t belong to a only a few chosen few. Although it might seem like that

since only 0.1% of our population in the US are millionaires. What are the reasons for this? Well

10% of the reason is because of education and talent. And access to information and education is

increasing daily with the continuing growth of the internet. The other 90% is simply not having a

millionaire mindset or a lack of an individual’s belief in themselves to be a millionaire. Now

you notice I used the word “simply”. If it were actually so simple, why isn’t a much larger


How To Sponsor More Reps In Your MLM Network Marketing Opportunity By Doing This

There are certain skill sets that anyone in a MLM network marketing opportunity must possess. The

top 3 in my opinion are marketing, leadership, and communication. There are several articles

written on leadership and marketing. You won't find that many dealing with communication. Now

communication skills can be broken down into several areas. One of the biggest is listening.

This is what we are going to focus on. There are actually 3 Levels of listening that most people

don't know about. If you master the top level then you will be able to sponsor more reps in your

MLM network marketing opportunity. Having an online MLM business is not all about marketing. You

need to have all these skills in place to see lasting success. Now let's dive into the 3 levels

and be honest with yourself on where you stand.

1. Pretending to pay attention

This is the level most people are at. You are more focused on what you will say when the other

person is done speaking. Don't listen with the intent to respond.That is a selfish proud type

attitude because it shows you do not care at all about the conversation. It doesn't matter if you

are talking to a prospect or even a friend or spouse. Don't make it a habit of finishing other

people's sentences or interrupting them.

2. Logically listening

In this level you are trying to make sense of the words someone is saying. However you are not

emotionally involved in the conversation. Therefore you are still not paying full attention. Your

logic gets in the way and it takes your focus off the real conversation that is going on. When

you are trying to sponsor somebody in your MLM network marketing opportunity it is best to pay

attention early so you do not waste your time in the long run on that person. You are the CEO of

your potential MILLION DOLLAR internet network marketing company so act like it.

3. Actively listening

This is the highest level of listening. You are paying attention to the meaning behind the words,

blocking out all distractions, and totally engaged into the conversation. You are listening with

the intent to understand. When you are able to master listening at this level your MLM network

marketing opportunity will go to different heights.

When you actually become a 3% listener it will amaze you how you win over people's hearts.

Understand that listening is a skill that requires a lot of practice. To see the MLM network

marketing opportunity alternative that can help you with all three skill sets mentioned above go


Now there are more and more options in MLM software, it is important to know which one that best

suit for you. Besides, it is also essential to find the right t software company. There are many

fly-by-night companies in the money-making industry. So if you do not want to put your business

at risk, you’d better choose a company with good reputation. Such a company earn their reputation

though many years of working with customers, not just selling package a few times. Check out at

those following points for your reference: Identify the MLM software company’s physical office.

There is an enormous amount of people who struggle when it comes to how to advertise effectively.

An unfortunately most people never find the answers. Well an elite group of millionaire

entrepreneurs shared the secret with me and now I want to share it with you. Enjoy this article

by Omari Taylor and learn exactly how to advertise effectively. Everyone wants to know how to

advertise effectively but not many people actually find the answers. Well the first thing you

must do when learning how to advertise effectively is proper keyword research. No matter what you

are marketing, assuming you...

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